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Category: Senior Living

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How to Choose a Senior Living Community

An older married couple sitting in their kitchen with a laptop and notebook trying to choose their future senior living community. Dan Hendrikx Dan Hendrikx 10:40 AM Nov 25 An adult visiting their older parents in senior living, smiling and hugging each other on the couch.

Deciding to move to a senior living community is a major life decision. At first, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the many different care options, such as independent living and memory care.  If your loved one wants to stay independent and simplify their lifestyle, independent living can enhance their freedom with convenient housekeeping and […]

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Reasons to Move Into a Retirement Community

A group of older adults at a senior living community sit around a table laughing and playing cards together

Independent living can be an excellent choice for older adults. In independent living, you can enjoy a maintenance-free lifestyle full of benefits. From social opportunities to medical support, a secure environment, to a wide range of amenities and services, independent living offers an opportunity to enjoy every day. So, why should you move to a […]

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10 Best Gadgets for Seniors

A senior woman sitting on a couch, smiling and holding a smartphone on her right hand while doing video call

Technology has become an integral part of our lives as we live in a fast-paced world. It empowers us with convenience, connectivity, and endless possibilities.  Some seniors may still feel hesitant or overwhelmed by rapid advancements in technology and prefer the human connections they can get from senior living communities. However, numerous gadgets can cater […]

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What Is Safeguarding in Elderly Care?

A female caregiver with her arms held around the senior man she looks after, both are smiling

The Villages of Murfreesboro believes that our country’s seniors deserve to grow older with dignity, honor, and respect. Sadly, research shows that many of our nation’s elders are abused and neglected.  Safeguarding is a popular term in the United Kingdom that describes the necessary measures needed to protect an individuals’ health, well-being, and human rights, […]

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