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Can Diabetes Cause Memory Loss?

A female caregiver sitting beside a senior woman with diabetes measuring her blood glucose level

Diabetes can be a difficult condition to manage, as can memory loss conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Understanding the link between diabetes and memory loss conditions is vital.  It’s essential to know how to reduce the risk of diabetes-related memory loss, and how memory care can help people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. […]

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How to Motivate Seniors to Participate in Activities

A group of three seniors playing board games and socializing

Motivating & Encouraging Seniors Seniors need exercise and social activity to enrich their lives. But they might not always feel motivated to engage with social events or exercise routines. Motivation is a curious aspect of human nature, as many things can influence it. Every day we experience extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. For example, an external […]

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What Is Life Like at an Independent Living Community?

A senior couple sitting on a bench outside in their independent living community smiling at each other while having their morning coffee

Sometimes getting older means losing the community we grew up with. Neighbours move away, friends go in different directions, and retirement means leaving your work community. But getting older also offers an opportunity for new opportunities and a new community. Independent living communities are residential networks that allow residents complete freedoms to come and go […]

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